Using the Lady Killer perk on Nova will easily get the password to Moriarty's terminal. Information can be gleaned through a bribe, successful use of Speech, hacking his computer, picking the lock on his filing cabinet, or outright killing the proprietor. According to Lucas Simms, Moriarty is privy to information about the Lone Wanderer's father, but is also untrustworthy. The cabinet in the storage room has the password to Moriarty's terminal, though it can be gained from Nova with a speech challenge or the Lady Killer perk. Mister Burke can also be found sitting in a corner, waiting for someone to come along who will do him and his employer a small service. Regulars at Moriarty's include Jericho, Lucy West, Billy Creel, Nathan Vargas, and Walter. The fourth and last room has a bed and a filing cabinet. There is a bed with a Hard locked cabinet next to it and a metal box in the corner. The third room in the corner is Moriarty's room with two chairs, a table with two beers and a squirrel stew on it. The second room cannot be rented though it has a bed, chair, and filing cabinet. The first bedroom with a double bed is available to rent. On the second floor, there are four bedrooms. The backdoor in the storage room exits to behind the men's restroom. The door behind the bar leads to the storage room containing Moriarty's terminal and the supply of the saloon.
The discount is 10% off everything Moriarty sells, which includes stimpaks and alcohol. One can get a discount from Gob, if he is not offended when first spoken to and the Wanderer has good Karma. Drinks are served by the ghoul bartender Gob, and the saloon is also home to Nova, a prostitute who will sleep with the Lone Wanderer if they rent a room for 120 caps. The restroom is under the stairs, concealed by a drape. This two-story scruffy metal housing with an atrium situated at the highest point of the Megaton crater.
Established in 2230, it is owned by Colin Moriarty who inherited it from his father following his death in 2241.