Most of the files outside these folders are temporary files that the game uses for processing or trivial stuff like which CAS items you haven't used yet. You'll end up with a lot of junk that you don't need in your cloud storage. Why not just sync the entire Sims 4 folder? This is what I did at first, but the disadvantage is that these cloud services don't let you choose which files to sync. Tray (for the households and lots saved locally in your library).Screenshots (if you would like to sync these too).Recorded videos (if you would like to sync these too).

If you play in a language other than English, the names of these folders will be different. We're mostly concerned with these folders in your The Sims 4 folder in My Documents. On Windows, these let you trick Dropbox and other cloud services into syncing any folder in your computer, regardless of its location. Symbolic links are like shortcuts, but a bit fancier. We're going to make use of something called symbolic links. To the best of my knowledge, this method works for: As a bonus, my files are on the cloud, so if my hard drive crashes, my saves will always be up-to-date. I did a little research and found a method that worked for me, so I'm sharing it with you guys. I decided to experiment a bit and see if I could sync my saves between my home and work PC (we're allowed to play during breaks, so it's fine). Hey! We all know that Origin doesn't support cloud syncing for TS4 because our gameplay data tends to get really big.