In 1924 completely revised its range of cars and gave them the Simson-Supra name. In 1923 Simson replaced the D with the 3.6 litre, 65 bhp model F, which was Simson's first 100 km/h (62 mph) production model. Top speeds were 80 km/h (50 mph) for the Co and 90 km/h (56 mph) for the D. In 1919 Simson resumed car production with a new four-cylinder range: the 1.6 litre, 22 bhp model Bo, 1.6 litre 40 bhp model Co and 3.5 litre, 45 bhp model D. In the First World War Simson stopped car production in 1915. Its 1914 models had four-cylinder engines and were the 1.5 litre, 22 bhp model A and 2.6 litre, 28 bhp model C. Simson built cars from 1914 to 1915 and from 1919 until 1934.

These pistols were available in two almost identical models, the first known as Model 1 in German and Model 1922 in the United States, and the second as Model 2 in Germany and Model 1927 in the US.

Until 1989 this was Simson's only venture into commercial handgun production. 25 ACP Westentaschenpistolen ("vest pocket pistols"), for commercial sale. Simson-Supra eight-cylinder, 4.7-litre Model A in the Suhl vehicle museum