
10.5 cm tiger 2
10.5 cm tiger 2

10.5 cm tiger 2

The Tiger II can turn fast enough to respond to flankers or flank heavies that lack such maneuverability. What the Tiger II lacks in speed it makes up for with its above-average hull traverse. The Tiger II's sides and lower front plate are too vulnerable in a brawl, and the turret roof gets overmatched by the common 122mm Soviet guns reliably at close range(150mm+ as of 1.10). The fast reload time, rivaling the T32's and the 110's, is a definite asset at any range however, as with the Tiger I, damage dealing from afar is recommended. The Tiger II more or less plays like the Tiger I, but with working frontal armor this time.

10.5 cm tiger 2

Like the Tiger I, it is a fully dedicated support tank, its armor is not here to hold the line like in reality. Engine is very underpowered for the tank's weight, resulting in awful uphill speed.

10.5 cm tiger 2

Huge yet inadequately armored hull except for the upper glacis lower glacis is very weak, and the unimproved side armor allows only auto-bounces. Upper glacis can bounce only Tier 8 guns reliably any gun with about 250mm pen can go right through it. Stock suspension can take upgraded engine and full set of equipment. Overall mobility is acceptable due to good terrain resistance, hull traverse and top speed. Surprisingly decent turret for a German vehicle. Nice view range and short reload time compared to most Tier 8 heavies. Top 10.5 cm gun is one of the most reliable gun of its Tiers with great penetration, fantastic accuracy and decent DPM. Upper glacis can bounce Tier 8 heavy tank guns reliably. Decent stock grind - The 8.8cm has good accuracy for sniping, and is still competitive in terms of RoF and DPM. All in all, this tank is a decent machine at long-range combat, featuring the best accuracy of any heavy tank at this Tiers, good penetration, and a balanced alpha damage. It sports a workable level of mobility, though the weak engine makes climbing slopes painfully slow. One of the most feared tanks in the Second World War, The Königstiger (literally "King Tiger") operates rather unsatisfying in stock configuration however, with proper positioning, it is capable of bouncing shells off its sturdy sloped frontal armor, provided that its lower front plate is hidden at all times, as it is only 100mm thick. However, due to the excessive mass of the vehicle, relatively low durability of the engine and transmission, and small total number of vehicles built, the Tiger II did not have any significant impact on the course of war. When engaging enemy vehicles at long range, the Tiger II had an upper hand over any other vehicle in terms of the gun and armor protection. The vehicle's drawbacks included an overloaded suspension and engine-transmission group, as well as excessive general mass. The most heavily armored tank carrying the most powerful anti-tank gun. The Tiger II is a German tier 8 heavy tank.

10.5 cm tiger 2