These packs cost 350 crystals but deliver no guarantee of the piece you want. After a time, new pieces will then be moved to Chromium packs, which are again located in the Store. The initial event allows players to begin farming characters, usually limiting the progress that can be made on leveling them up. All new pieces go through a release process. If you’re interested in farming these new pieces, then you’re going to have to wait at least three months before they are available. The question then becomes, are packs and bundles worth it? Farming Problems Players can also find both ships and the crew members who pilot those ships available in the packs and bundles located in the game’s Store. But this isn’t the only place where players can farm these new additions. If you complete each stage of the Rise Together event, you we be able to unlock both ships at 3 stars and 25 out of 30 ship blueprints.

The Ghost and Phantom II from the Star Wars Rebels TV show are the newest light side ships available to all holotable heroes.

Unlock special leader abilities to buff your team and unleash moves like Darth Sidious’s Force Lightning, Chewbacca’s Wookiee Rage, and more.